Engage Gainesville

Through the federal CARES Act and the American Rescue Plan (ARP), the City of Gainesville has received special allocations of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME) funds.
The city has available $1,001,999 of CDBG-CV3 funds to be used to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the coronavirus (COVID-19) and $1,968,639 of HOME-ARP funds to reduce homelessness and increase housing stability for vulnerable populations.
Funds must be used to address eligible activities established by federal regulation. Examples of eligible activities include:
* Buildings and Improvements | * Production or Preservation of Affordable Rental Housing |
* Assistance to Businesses | * Tenant- Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) |
* Provision of Public Services | * Supportive Services, Homeless Prevention |
* Planning, Capacity Building, and Technical Assistance | * Housing Counseling |
* Purchase and Development of Non-Congregate Shelter |
To prioritize funding allocations and identify unmet needs, we are asking for your input. We encourage Gainesville residents and stakeholders to engage through our multiple outreach tools found below including:
Forum: Discuss community topics with other participants related to housing, community revitalization, and ending homelessness.
Survey: Participate privately by answering questions to help us identify high priority community needs.
Ideas: Share ideas for use of funds pertaining to the eligible activities being considered.
Questions: Ask questions about this project and the city's special HUD allocations.
Your input is invaluable as it will inform funding allocations.
Click "subscribe" to follow the project for information and updates.
For specific details or questions regarding eligible activities, call the HCD Department at (352) 393-8864.
Note: Comprehensive eligible activity guides can be found under Important Documents.
Note: The priority needs survey will be available for participation until August 1, 2022.